Confirmation 2022

Confirmation 2022

Congratulations to the sixth class pupils who made the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 26th of March in the Cathedral of St. Patrick and St. Felim.

Sensory Room

Sensory Room

On Wednesday we installed a fabulous new Sensory Room in the school which was funded by the Parents Association, Board of Management and the parents and guardians of the school who purchased our 2022 school calendar. We installed a Causeway Suite with bubble tube lighting and fibreoptic lights. There is also a disco dome light […]

New Outdoor Play Equipment

New Outdoor Play Equipment

The school was delighted to receive our new outdoor equipment which was made by a local man called Darren Galligan of Galligan Woodcraft. We got a new mud kitchen and mud restaurant, a swing chair, a climbing wall, a workbench, an outdoor xylophone and outdoor cowbells. All these items were paid for by Ross & […]

World Book Day 2022

World Book Day 2022

Well done to all the children for making such an effort to dress up as their favourite book character. We had a great day in the school doing lots of literacy based activities. Here are a few pictures from the day:-

Sam Maguire in Killygarry NS

There was great excitement on Wednesday when the Sam Maguire Cup and the Anglo Celt Cup arrived in Killygarry NS. Thank you to Pauline Smith who organised it for us. Please watch our video below.

The Sam Maguire and Anglo Celt Cup visit Killygarry N.S.

The Sam Maguire and Anglo Celt Cup visit Killygarry N.S.

Today we had the great honour of having the Sam Maguire Cup and the Anglo Celt Cup visit our school. There was a great day of celebration in the school and we sincerely thank Custbert Donnolly who travelled from County Tyrone today with the two cups. We also thank one of our parents, Pauline Smith, […]

Oral Language homework: Weather

Oral Language homework: Weather

Pierre-Auguste Renoir, a French impressionist painter began painting “The Umbrellas” in 1882, but did not complete it until 1886. During that time he changed his style from impressionist – as seen on the right of the painting, to a smoother, more solid style -as seen in the main character on the left. The girl who […]

Logging into Seesaw

Seesaw is an online platform for teachers and pupils to share school work. Your child’s teacher will send you a code for you to use to log in to their personal account. Nobody else in the class can see your child’s work- only the teacher. Unfortunately each child must have a separate Seesaw account and […]

Christmas Poetry

Christmas time is nearly here Christmas time is nearly here, So fill your hearts with joy and cheer. Christmas is for everyone, So hold on to your hats and have some fun. We wait all year for this special night, When Santa comes to give delight. He leaves our presents for us to find, When […]